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Artwork Preparation Guidelines for all printing & cutting products.

Artwork Preperation for Sticker Cutting.png
DO NOT include Bleed Line/Trim Line/Text Safe Line/Crop Mark in your artwork, there are showing here for instructional purpose only.
We DO NOT recommend using a font that are too thin/slim/cursive for printing especially when it is in very small size, those fonts are mainly for screen display/web design purpose. 
We recommended mins 7pt font size.
Artwork Guide for Name Card_2024.png
What is the artwork bleed?

Bleeds allow you to run artwork to the edge of a page. During production, the artwork is printed on a large sheet of paper and then trimmed down to size. There may be a little shift during printing and trimming proceed (Tolerance is +/-1mm to 2mm). If you do not allow for a proper bleed of at least 2mm, any shifting while cutting will result with the artwork not running to the edge of the paper or leaving a hairline white edge after the trim. Bleeds ensure you get a better result.

Artwork Guide (Bleed).png
Result of White Hairline-01.png
Example of wrong and correct arwork bleed for cutting.png
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